Panasonic maintenance console software for kx-ida50
Panasonic maintenance console software for kx-ida50

panasonic maintenance console software for kx-ida50

The latest news, though, is that the three ex-mostek engineers who were at the centre of the controversy have now left Inmos to set up their own design company, which will do work on a contractual basis for Mostek exclusively. However the charges were dismissed and Inmos seemed set to go. Several of the engineers they employed camé from Mostek, who, understandably, felt that they were having their brains picked, and attempted to get an injunction against Inmos for misappropriation of trade secrets, in an effort to stop the raids for staff. Having this kind of expertise is obviously crucial to the success of the venture. In order to perform this feat, the management of the infant Inmos went head hunting in the Santa Clara Valley (Silicon Valley) for engineers who were already experienced in memory design, NMOS technology, etc. NEWS & INFORMATIO\ News Digest 4 PCBs for Projects 110 Sound Briefs 29 Mini Mart 112 Print Out News 37 Ideas for Experimenters Communications News 97 Reader Services 130 Propagation Predictions Index to Advertisers 130 Kits for ETI Projects 109 Electronics Today International - DecemberĤ News Digest The Inmos Saga By now, many of our readers will have learnt of the formation of UK Government -sponsored Inmos, a British company which will attempt to catch up on US technology by producing a 64K dynamic RAM. Communications Section 97 For hams, SWL 's, CB'ers. Nimbus Satellites 62 An eye on the ocean. Introduction to PCM 57 It's changing telephones and hi-fi. Special Offer: Hand-held Games 51 Car Race, Missile Attack, Basketball ETI/Computerland Software Contest 52 Programming for fun and profit. The Marisat System 45 It's not all at sea. Sound 21 Does it sound real? Brains and Computers 31 How's your CPU? Print Out 37 Various ramblings. Special Offer: Chess Champion Mk 1 18 Special bonus if you get in quick. Registered for posting as a publication - Category B FEATURES Designing Oscillators 13 Not always as easy as it looks. Cover: This month we're running an article on designing oscillators, but if you can design an oscillator to produce this kind of waveform, we'd like to know about it! If you're curious, we used a Tektronix 475A oscilloscope and a lot of ingenuity to get that waveform/ A Modern Magazines Publication Recommended retail price only.

#Panasonic maintenance console software for kx ida50 free#

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panasonic maintenance console software for kx-ida50


Panasonic maintenance console software for kx-ida50